DIG DEEP: Conversations with Christian Leaders

Surviving College Life as a Christian with Kaydia Thomas

Dr. Jaria C. Aljoe Season 5 Episode 14

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the pressures of college?  Our special guest, Kaydia Thomas is sharing her tips on thriving in your faith while navigating the challenges of college. 

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Hey, what's going on, everybody? It's Dr. Daria C. Aljo, author, leader, mentor, and change agent here with the latest and greatest episode of Dig Deep Conversations with Christian Leaders. Thanks so much for tuning in. If you're watching on Facebook or YouTube, if you are listening to the podcast, however you are getting this information, first of all, I just want to say thank you. Second of all, I'm so glad that you are tuned in to our conversation tonight, which is surviving college life as a Christian. So it is the month of October. Usually this is about midterm times. As some of you may know, I am the assistant provost for student management at the University of Bridgeport. And so what I wanted to do is I wanted to bring on some young people who can speak to other young people about what it means to survive college as a Christian, right? I don't have that testimony. I'm going to tell y'all that right now. I don't have that testimony. I was not living for Christ at all in college. I believed in God. I grew up in church, but let's just say I had a little bit of a rebellion phase over the four years, five years that I was in college. However, I thought what better way to be able to share just some advice and some wisdom and just hearing other folks kind of talk about their experiences than to have two Christian leaders who I truly admire, who I know and believe walked with God throughout their college life and their college experiences. And so we have on this evening and for episode, we have Katie Thomas, who is here. Let's bring her on. Hi, Katie. How's it going? Good. How are you? Good, good, good. Thank you. Thank you. First of all, thank you for saying yes. Thank you so much for coming on. And thank you for what you're going to share with us in this episode. Absolutely. Thank you so much for the opportunity. When you asked, I was like... Absolutely. Absolutely. I'm not too far gone. Yes. That was and you know what, I did want to do that. I did that purposefully. Because I think that sometimes it's more impactful to hear from people that have kind of gotten through, if you will, if you sort of Yeah, that have gotten through sort of the college experience, right? Like it's one thing to hear from people that are currently going through, but it's another thing entirely, I think, to hear from people that have gotten through that experience and can tell you like, just hang in there. Here's what I did and here's how I navigated and managed. And you can be able to then speak to the fact of like, I got out on the other side and so can you. So I thought you're not too, too far gone from it. So we gonna have you on the show. We're gonna have you talk about this and I'm excited that you're excited. So if you are tuning in for the first time, this is Dig Deep Conversations with Christian Leaders. It is sponsored by Jaria Shanae Ministries. We are a group, a community of individuals who are intentional about deepening our relationship with God. With Jaria Shanae Ministries, it is all about providing you with practical applications to build your educational and spiritual growth. And so without further ado, Katie, can you just tell us a little bit about who you are, what school you went to, and your journey to becoming a Christian? Absolutely. So, yes, I am Katie Thomas. I am twenty four years old. I'm a recent graduate of Texas A&M University where I got my study material science, material science and engineering. Always a mouthful. And going off to college actually was my first time being away from home. Born and raised in Texas. I currently live in Colorado. Um, so college time was my first time of being away from home, but so I can still, you know, be on my, say on my own um to do my own thing I've always been with my parents I've always been in church um church has literally been my life uh so my mom's a missionary my dad's an elder so it's it's always been church church is all I knew and that was the problem going off to college church is what I knew but relationship wasn't what I had and that's what I developed when I got off to college um so uh My Christian journey, I was saved at the age of eleven. I had to teach in Bible school in the summer. We had concluded our week and the elder came and he was like, well, have you accepted Jesus to be your Lord and Savior? And he was talking like, yes, I've gone through this like my whole life. But that night it was different. And so even a month later. I chuckled because my mom, she was saved at eleven and she received the Holy Ghost at thirteen. And I said, look, Lord, when I actually do this thing, I'm not waiting two years to get the Holy Ghost. It is a gift. Like, however long, you know, it takes for you to get to that point to receive it. So be it. But I told the Lord personally, I said, Katie, I said, Lord, I'm not waiting. A month later, we ended up having a revival and I think it's so surreal when I go back and look on it. Um, the evangelist that came was actually, ended up being my watch care pastor in college. And that night, the first night of revival was when I received the Holy Ghost. And so we've been rocking and rolling ever since, but going off to college, and I think that physical move created a shift even in my relationship and my mindset for how I pursue my relationship with God. Mm-hmm. I love that. I love that you said, you know, in the beginning you were around church, very similar. You know, my dad was an elder and then became a pastor. My mom was an evangelist. You know, she worked, they both worked a lot. I mean, just grew up in church. But you mentioned about you developed your relationship with God in college. And I think that's so powerful because I have the opposite. So I think right before I went away to school, is when I really felt, you know, that tugging at my heart. Like, you know, Jeria, you aren't saved and you know what it means to be saved and that sort of thing. And I think I had started to kind of get back into wanting to be saved and kind of living that life. And then when I got to college, everything just kind of went out the window after like the first or second weekend. And so I knew and still had, you know, I can call on God when things are going wrong, but Throughout my time at college, I just was not focused on, like you said, that relationship. where it sounds like with you, you went away and it was like, this is my time to really, truly build and deepen my relationship with God on my own, like without, you know, at my parents' house and parents covering and everything. So I absolutely love that. And I think it's an incredibly interesting perspective to have. So tell me then, what are some of the challenges you face in maintaining a strong relationship with God while navigating the demands of college life? I would say to start in order to maintain something, you really have to have it. And so I understood very early on, even the first time I went off to school, There weren't too many churches in the area. And so what I love about my parents, born and raised Church of God of Christ, I love this church. But my parents told me something when I went off to school, well, before I went off to school, that I will forever cherish. And I share with other young people as well. It wasn't necessarily that they said, you don't have to go to a cultic church. Yeah. But you have to go to a church with the leader that hears from God and preaches the word of God. Yeah. And that for me was like, wow, you know, like we, yes, we've been in this thing forever, but understanding the necessity to have somebody who truly can hear from God. And then understanding too, while I did know, my watch care pastor was Bishop Green. While I knew Bishop Maurice Green Jr. While I did know him, I'd always seen him. He was always so kind. When I saw him, I'd only see him at my home church. And so you just never know if somebody is going to be or be the same when you see them, you know, in their own church. And so going like, hey, we're going to go and just kind of see. And I thank God that that's where he placed me in that time because. It was even better, you know, to be under the ministry and going, I didn't have. as many young people as I did when I was at home so off to college I had three college students at the time four including myself and so I was like oh okay it's a little different I'm used to a little bit more but it's fine but it was the intentionality of hey I'm going to bible study On Tuesday night, I'm going to Bible band after I finish my test or whatever I have to do or whatever quiz I have to do. And then on Thursday night, I'm going to Bible study for pastoral instruction. And it was a push for me beyond just Sunday morning of making sure I did what I needed to do to be fed. And then I knew for me, I said, if I watch online, this was even before COVID. So if I watch online, I'm not going to pay attention. I will get self-distracted. I will turn it off. I'll go do whatever. but I knew I need to be in the building. And I wanted to start with that first because going off to college, my first semester, I was like, I'm not going to be involved in clubs. I'm not going to do all this and put all this on my plate. I need to focus on school. Like, I've always been an A student. I'm going off to school. Nothing's going to change, okay? I'm going to make sure I stay in these books and I'm good. Yeah, yeah. Dr. J, I'm going to class tomorrow. I was doing what I used to do. I was studying like I had normally studied. Got my first quiz and test back for chemistry and I failed. I said, how in the world? I said, I have no distractions. I go to church. That is it. I don't socialize. I don't go to the diversity center. I don't go. And it's like, how in the world am I putting all my time to study? But I would study. I would pray before my test, but that would be it. So then I, it got to a point where I literally just cried and broke down in Mosier Hall. I believe room two Oh seven. And my roommate was not there. And I literally cried out to God. I said, I don't know what's wrong. I don't understand. I said, this has never been me. Like, this has never happened before. And for some people, it's like, okay, failing a class, you know, failing a test may not be a big deal. But for me, that was my breaking point where I was like, you know what? I'm already out here by myself. I don't know anybody. Yes, I know of these people, but I don't have a relationship with these people here anyways. Not people at the church either. You know my parents, but you don't know me. So I was still trying to navigate, too, if you're actually trying to have a relationship with me or you want to know me because you know my parents. So kind of dividing the two. And it's like, Lord, I have so much on my mind and on my heart. I poured and I laid everything out. And that's the day that everything changed. And from there. That's where it came to, I got to be in Bible studies. I just, I have to, even if I came late and I thank God for those that he surrounded me with, because little did I know that a lady that I went to church with, her mother would be the church mother. And she took me under her wing and I've literally become another granddaughter. And the way that she had just cared and nurtured and even just like normal car rides, going to church, taking me to the grocery store because I didn't have a car. So anytime I needed to go anywhere, Mama Wilson, do you mind picking me up for church? And it was just building that relationship with her and seeing her relationship with God pushed me. to further development, my relationship with God for myself. So it was so much. And I looking back, it's like, God was so strategic in how he allowed all of this to happen. Don't you love the fact that God is so intentional and very strategic and it's like, it doesn't, it makes absolutely no sense sometimes to me, like in that moment, But looking back, you can see all the pieces start to kind of fit together and you can start to see the picture that God saw so clearly in the beginning that you were just like, I don't even know. And I think about how you mentioned, you know, getting to know people and building relationships for yourself versus the people that kind of knew your parents or knew of you or that sort of thing. And I think about how challenging that must have been not only for you as a Christian, but also for you as a young adult. At that age, you're learning and growing and developing into who you are and who you want to become and having a bit of independence. And I think about young people trying to navigate that transition to adulthood where it's like, yeah, you knew my parents and you knew me way back when. However, like, get to know me now, get to know who I am now. And so I'm curious to know, and you talked about like, you know, there were three other college students that were at your church. How did you build and potentially maintain Christian friendships on campus or even with those other college students at the church? So this answer is a little different possibly than what you expect. I didn't really have Christian relationships in college. I did not actually develop those until my last semester of college. So with those young people that I was introduced with and introduced to, we had a Bible study on campus called Lifesavers. So we would meet every Wednesday at seven p.m. and it was great. But when I met them, they were juniors. So we had like one good year together. And then COVID hits and everybody goes home. And so I had that time with them. It was great to do Bible study with them. They were very instrumental for involvement on campus. I know how much I didn't do anything first semester. Oh, buddy. Come second semester, I was an orientation leader. I was in the National Society of Black Engineers. I was like, oh, I'm going to get that involved in everything. But I definitely completely turned around in my involvement. And I think it's so crazy to see how the more involved I got in things while still maintaining, you know, my relationship with God, still going to Bible study, still having my own personal prayer and study time. How it's like, man, how can I have more on my plate? Yeah. Able to balance it now. Yeah. I didn't have God in the mix. Yes. I love him. Yes. I would pray, but it was more so me talking and not stopping to listen. Yeah. And so, And when I got to that point, I was like, oh. So building those relationships was very interesting because when I first got off campus, I had, we have some Christian organizations on campus. And I went to an event during, we have Howdy Week. That's like freshman week for the most part. Everybody kind of gets to do it before school starts. I love that. Oh, it was great. So I went. I ran into some people that we were all supposed to be graduating together. Some were engineers. I was like, okay, great. We went off to the event, and the minister was up, and he was talking. I was like, oh, yeah, I know this story. I'm familiar with this story. But the way he broke it down, he broke it down so much and made it so modern. I was like, what? Sir, I think you're misinterpreting the scripture. And I said, this will be my last time attending events with this organization. But I had to make that decision for me. And I had to be aware of, hey, yes, while this is a Christian organization, this is just not the organization for me. Right, right, right. And that was okay. And so once I... knew that acknowledged okay okay it's fine no problem um but we also had like a really really big bible study called breakaway and everybody filled up our basketball stadiums wow and that I was like now breakaway breakaway I was like, I can do this. I can do this. I said, hey, y'all are Bible-based. I can do this. That was for me connecting with other people. Even when I got some new roommates, we would go together. I think for me, I've always been that friend of, oh, Katie knows Jesus. Don't tell her that. We want to keep her pure. That's been me since a child, even growing up, when I got to college. So it was always a stamp of, oh, you're different. And I had accepted that at a young age. And I was aware of that. So it really wasn't a big thing that people had noticed, took notice of it as well. And so going off to college, it was apparent as well. So I pretty much stayed to myself. But I think the Lord did that for me to ensure that I was dependent on him, opposed to dependent on being fueled by other people. He kept me secluded. Because again, some people when they go off to college, that's like, man, when I finally was introduced to my group of friends to build that relationship where we would get along and pray together, we would do Bible study together. And having that time to intentionally pray, especially in that last semester of college where it's like, Lord, I'm at the time where I have to make decisions. Yeah, yeah. I'm literally about to graduate. Lord, there's no way. I have to graduate. So it's at that pivotal moment. Yes, when you first go off to college, that's a lot of change. You're like, God, I need you. But it's that leaving part and like low key, I mean, I'm a little scared of this is all I've known. Yeah. And now I'm literally about to be out of this environment and I have to be an adult and I have to start adulting. One star. Do not recommend adulting. One star. I don't like it. I have a shirt. I should have worn it today. One star. Do not recommend. Don't recommend. Don't do it. It's something. And so, but to have those friends to undergird me, to cover me in prayers, y'all I have an interview I'm nervous I don't know you know what I'm gonna do we got you praying for you now call me pray in the moment and just having that was like so I would say don't ever be discouraged if you don't have or identify those people immediately God will send them to you at the very point in time where you need them that's so good and you are never alone that's so good ever You may be physically by yourself, but you are never alone. Yeah. And so that for me was just like, while I could say, Lord, why did you send up to me sooner? Right, right, right. He could have. But I probably would have associated God in his presence to those people opposed to him. Yeah. It was definitely a blessing in disguise. So. Yeah. It's so interesting that you and I appreciate you sharing, you know, the experience of going to like a Christian club on campus and being open, but also realizing that, you know, this is kind of really not the space for me. Um, in grad school, when I went to grad school, I did not live on campus, but when I went to campus, um, I had seen a flyer for a Christian club and I was like, that's something I didn't join in undergrad for obvious reasons. Uh, but you know, for grad school, like by the time I was in grad school, I was saved, sanctified, Holy Ghost, and finally baptized. Um, and so I had wanted to, I had an interest in joining the Christian club, but I think the first meeting they had sat around and had a time of like devotion and just like reading scriptures and singing songs. And I was like, this is really great. Like, this is wonderful. And then I think they did a, um, like a kind of a camping trip type of thing. And I had a good time. I just felt like, with everything going on in my life, grad school, working, ministry stuff, I really didn't have the capacity to add anything more to my plate. And so while the people there were incredibly nice, I, similar experience to you, I just felt like this maybe isn't really folks that I'm connecting with. And it's not, you know, it's so very interesting because it's like, well, we're all Christians and, you know, we should all love one and we do love each other, but sometimes there are just groups or there are just organizations that you just don't necessarily see yourself fitting in with. And so I'm so happy that you brought that up. You know, I think to students who might be listening to this, who are trying to find those clubs and trying to find those social circles, And where it's like you said, maybe God doesn't necessarily want you to be so heavily involved in those types of things because that might pull you away from hearing his voice and looking to him. You might instead try and look to those groups or look to those people. So I'm so happy that you mentioned that. And I think to students, college students who might be listening and you know, it can be a lonely walk. But like you said, we're not alone. But it made me think it brought me back to that experience where I was just like, these people are great and amazing. I literally do not have the capacity to add anything else to my plate. So in sometimes that's the reality. But you know, as you talked about, you were able to build and maintain friendships after the fact. And also building connections with people, you know, some people on campus, that type of thing. So That's, yeah, thank you for sharing that. Okay, absolutely. So think back to your first year in college, you're getting ready to move on to, actually, let me ask you this question. Were you ever interested in going to like a Christian-based or a faith-based college, or was it always like Texas A&M? Like, how did you kind of make that decision? Oh, me, when it was time, Growing up, I always wanted to be a pediatrician. I was like, oh, I want to be. I love kids. I love my pediatrician. That's what I want to do. When I got to, I realized how long I would be in school. I said, I can't make that commitment. I don't want to go to school my entire life. So I was good. And I had fifth grade. I had somebody come and talk to us about STEM. And when that lady came and said the percentage of minority women in STEM, I said, I don't like that number. Yeah. I don't like it at all. And she started talking about women in engineering. And I said, huh. That day, I went home. I told my mom. And she said, Katie, just look them up and see what you find. I Googled it. Engineering majors. The second one on the list was biomedical engineering. Now, I know I said it in material science. The Lord had a change and shift in that. But biomedical engineering, I said, Little did I know in that year, my dad would have an aortic rupture of his main valve to the heart and would be leaking blood to his chest and would need a ceramic heart valve to be implanted in him. And I said, the connection guide between a man-made object to sustain human life blew me away. And that right there connects me for my major. Then I was like, hey, what schools am I going to do for engineering? And I only had two. The top two that were in Texas were Texas A&M University and UT Austin. So I only ever had two schools in mind. My parents went to an HBCU. I thought about it. I visited some. I looked at those yearbooks. I looked at my parents' notes. They all look like me. Yeah. Yeah. Growing up, I always went to very diverse schools. And so I was always the minority. Yeah. That was a culture shock. Yeah. Most that I'd ever really seen, even though I looked like me, was at church. Yeah. And so I was like, hey, early on, I said, hey, HBCU life. I was voting for everybody else. I would live vicariously through y'all. I would go to games and live my best life. Oh, I love that. As far as attending, I was like, I don't know. So I thank my parents because we went on trips. So we went to go visit both schools. And then we went to go visit churches around there. So we asked for recommendations. And I think that for me solidified. I was like, okay. When I walked on campus for Texas A&M, I went to camps for both. as well, so I knew people, I had met, you know, people that I could talk to for advice at both schools. I won't go into the fact that I cried when I went to camp for UT Austin, because I did A&M first, and then I said, I know we just drove four hours, but can you, like, take me back home? And they're like, no, you need to commit to your state. It was a great week. Loved it. Got some great swag, but I was like, duh. It just wasn't a fit. When I walked on campus and those people said, howdy, I said, oh, howdy. Howdy. I was like, I don't know what it is, but you people are so friendly. At first, I was very cautious. I'm not a super open person. I'm very bubbly now, but going off to college, I was very like, howdy. But they're very helpful. And I came to understand it was just the heart of the people. And I said, Lord, this, I just knew it. I said, this is where you want me to go. So that's where we, how we got to Amen. Yeah. You know, I, when I was looking at colleges, there were a few schools that I was looking at. I ended up applying to, I think, maybe two or three of them. But because I knew I wanted to be a business major, I had to have a certain GPA going into school. And so the two I think that I had applied to, I didn't get accepted. So I'm like, oh, my gosh, what am I going to do? You know, Eastern is my safety school. It's like forty minutes from home. I really am trying to get out of Connecticut like I want to go. Eastern asked me to come in for an interview. And I did. And I remember the first time I drove up to campus and stepped foot on campus and it felt like, okay, this is it. Like, I know this was my safety school, but this is, I feel like this is kind of it. And Eastern gave me an opportunity and I'll never, ever forget it. They gave me an opportunity because even though my GPA was not high enough to be admitted, um, you know, as a regular admission student, but I also didn't meet the eligibility requirements to do like a summer bridge program. And so I was in this sort of in between where I didn't have the GPA I needed, but I also didn't have the requirements I needed to take advantage of being able to kind of help build me up academically. And so they had me interview, um, the admissions officer ended up recommending me for acceptance. I got accepted. you know, thanks be unto God. But one of the things that I did not do was I didn't even think to look at churches around and near the school. And so when you said that, I said, wow, like, had I been maybe a little bit more intentional about figuring out, okay, if I come to school here, Where can I go to worship? Right. Setting myself up to be connected to or remain connected to a church. And I think early on, a friend of mine also grew up in church. We became friends and she had invited me to church one Sunday. And I was like, yeah, sure. OK, I'll go with you. And we went to the church. Everybody was very nice, but not every ministry is for Jaria and Jaria is not for every ministry. And it just was a ministry that just, I just did not feel again, that connection. And so that was kind of it. Like I didn't go to, I went to Eastern Connecticut State University. It's in Willimantic, Connecticut. If you know anything about it, it is not, it's like very rural. It's not urban at all. Like there's not, no. No. And so I just was missing that community connection, that church connection versus you. I love that you said that you were intentional about visiting and looking at churches around the campuses that you were at. And so I think about, you know, students who are starting off or wanting to build a relationship as you're looking at colleges, be intentional about looking at, okay, not just, okay, where's the nearest restaurants, places to get a job, places to get your hair done, your nails done, but like look at churches as well. Like that's, I love that you brought that up. That's an excellent point. Cause it's just something I did not do. Something I didn't even think to do. Absolutely. Cause I was, I was looking and my mom was like, and my dad was like, Hey, if we happen to go and it's not a good fit, you can church online until you find the right one. I said, okay. But it was, it was, I appreciate the fact that it's like, Hey, No church is not an option. Yeah. It's covered. Yeah. Knowing that my parents had a sense of safety of knowing that my daughter is under good care. Yeah. Yeah. And for the fact that's okay. They feel safe with me here. I feel safe with me here. And I'll give it a try. Yeah. And just seeing how you know, by the time I had to leave, I didn't want to go. I did not want to go. And I told the Lord, I said, now, Lord, I said, I'm not telling you what to do at all, but I thank you for showing me the things that I desire and long for in a leader. Cause I knew, Hey, when I go off to college, my next ministry that I joined to be a member would be my decision. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like, so, Lord, I just need you to lead me and guide me. But I want a pastor just like the one that you gave me in college that would hear your voice and respond to you and not be so hung up on, oh, we have a program, we have a structure, but literally will allow you to have your way. And to have a leader do that and literally watch the church respond and watch the young people to respond because I had to realize that Yeah, I ended up because, you know, the other college students graduated and we really need to come back and replace. So I was one of the only ones in realizing that I was an example for the young people that were coming up. Hmm. Yeah. Yeah. And because I denied it for the long term. I said, I'm not a youth leader. I said, I help in whatever capacity that you need. But it was not until then. And I was with, I said, oh, buddy, yes, I am. So even how they were so responsive and had a longing to live a holy and separated life in high school, because they were in high school. And so it's just wild to see it from all ages within the church. So I told the Lord, I said, now, Lord, that's what I desire in a pastor. yeah first lady I desire relationship with my first lady every time I would go home I was like first lady I'm going home she's like okay you can go home but make sure you come on back I love that I know and I have no other doubt that you all love me why because you constantly tell me that you love me and I can't Right. Oh, make sure you come on back. So I was very intentional. And even when I moved to Colorado to live this life as an engineer, I was like, my Lord, I say, we looking online at these churches. Adam, I need you to help lead me and guide me because I will rock and roll online until you give me the right one. And I'm grateful for my community because when people find out I was moving, they're like, well, I know this leader. I know this church. And so the way that people banded together to make sure that I stayed connected was like, wow. Even if I didn't even know them very well. This person is like, I don't know anybody, so anything would be helpful, and so just having that, I think, was, it was, it meant a lot to me for the fact that he heard me and answered my prayers, because when I got here, I said, oh, man, I started at Lily of the Valley, and I ended up at Divine Love, with Pastor Alfonso and First Lady Marty Hawkins and the way that they have regarded me as their own children. I love that. And so just seeing how he allowed it all to start in college, I had great foundation growing up. But everything turned and changed, even my mindset when I went off to college and to see how he has pushed me in ways that I couldn't even imagine. Mm-mm. Yeah, I've seen some of my friends that I know work with the youth in their church, and they will put out sort of a clarion call, if you will. Hey, I have young people in my church going to this, this, and this college in these places. Who knows churches? Who can recommend churches in those areas? And I want to bring up something that you said earlier, too, about you and I both grew up Kojic. Kojic is all I know. I often joke, like when I make it to heaven, I'm sitting in the Kojic section. You saved me a seat. You absolutely know I will. I'm not going to do the yeah, yeah, yeah, but it's there. Just know it's there. Okay. But I, you know, you said, you know, the church doesn't necessarily have to be coaching. And that I think I agree with a hundred percent. As long as the place that you are going teaches the Bible. yes teaches about the trinity um it you don't have to go to because sometimes the nearest kojic church is not a place where you can actually get to like when I was a first year student I in fact in college I didn't have a car until senior year now how I got to all the parties all over the world in connecticut and everything it's a whole different story for a whole different day my friends could tell you however when it came to getting the church, you know, sometimes you, I mean, we have Uber now, but if you're not working as a first year student and you can't get to a coaching church, but there is another church that is nearby. I agree with you. Like if you grew up in one denomination, don't feel as though you can't go to a different church. And I don't go to every church, right? You have to use that wisdom. Um, certainly talk and speak with people who Um, you trust, talk to your current spiritual leaders. Hey, I'm thinking about going to XYZ church. What do you think? Can you go into prayer with me to get guidance from God about it? So I, I a hundred percent agree with you. Um, but I do have, and I love that you said as a leader, you're able to have other leaders that you can connect with, that you can get recommendations from to help the young people. kind of figure out and navigate, you know, I'm leaving high school, going off to college. That's a critical time in anybody's life. And to be able to know that you have a church family, a church community waiting for you whenever you either leave the state or leave your parents home or leave the city or whatever it is, that I think takes a lot of pressure off of young people. And so I'm so happy that you brought that point up. Yeah, absolutely. Because I think, too, for me, I knew that, I said, Kenya, you need a covering. I said, let me tell you something. I said, for me, I said, when I go to school, this is my time of freedom. But my first week, Um, this girl was like, oh my goodness, you're new to campus. We're having a party tonight. I was like, oh my goodness. She was like, take my number. If you need a ride, I'll come pick you up. I was like, hey, cool. Her number's still in my phone. She never got a text. Okay. Never did. And for me, okay, I didn't smoke. I didn't drink. You know, I... lived a holy and pure life. But just because I didn't do those things didn't mean that I still didn't face my own challenges. That's not everything. And I feel like so many people kind of harp on people going buck wild for college, especially if they're kind of sheltered. And so I was just like, hey, I know party scene is not for me. I already know if I'm ready to leave somewhere, I'm ready to leave. And if I go with anybody else, this is my whole thought process after the girl gave me my number. Gave me her number. I said, I'm going to tell you something. I said, if I'm ready to leave, I'm ready to leave. I have money, but I'm not trying to spend my money on an Uber to pick me up to some place. I don't even know where I'm going. It's not even worth it. And so, but even in that, I was like, no, I know I need somewhere where I can go that can fuel me and help me be ready for what's next and what for whatever is to come on this college journey. Yeah, yeah, yeah. See, I was the opposite. I was like, when I get to college, forget about it. I'm like, uh-uh. And I will say, like I said, Before I left for college, I can remember plain as day. It was a Sunday morning service. I was up either singing praise and worship. I don't think I was leading praise and worship, but I attended like a very small church. And, you know, the Holy Spirit came in and blessed and I really felt his presence and everything. And I went to college and I was just like, you know, I really think I'm going to give like this whole living for Jesus thing a try. And then like the first weekend they had a party and I didn't want to be by myself in my dorm room. I didn't feel strong enough to be that person. Um, you know, I wanted to connect with other people on campus and it just, I just was not strong enough for my faith at that point in time. Um, And so, you know, that turned into, it was like, you know, I'm just going to go to the party and like, I'm going to go with some of these new people that I met and we'll hang out and maybe they'll dance and whatever. But like, I won't, I was not strong enough. And so I think one of the things that's so important for young people is, You need to really take a hard look and reflection on where you're at in your relationship with God. If you are not strong enough to be around people that drink without wanting to drink, don't do it. Right. If you're not strong enough like there, I went to a friend's cookout and, you know, they're playing and they're also millennials. So they're playing like all the best on it, playing the jams. And so I'm bopping around, I'm singing, I'm having a good time. But then, you know, like the dance hall music starts. I'm like, okay, that's my cue. Okay, that's my cue to exit stage left. Because I know for me, it's a struggle. It's a struggle with my flesh and my spirit that like, I just want to kind of let loose and have fun like I used to back in college. And so if, you know, for young people, if you know that it's something that you're struggling with, don't put yourself in a predicament or in an environment where you could potentially give into that struggle or give into that flesh of desire. So when you say like, it wasn't so much that I didn't smoke, I didn't drink, I didn't do none of that. I had other things going on, but I also was not going to put myself in that situation. Because who was to say that if you had, that you would not have been tempted to do so, you know? Yeah. And I'm so glad you said that, because in college, I literally got to the point where I said, you know what, if I don't introduce it, I introduce it, then I don't have to worry about it. Yes. Yes. Yes. You never know. Never know. Or your tolerance until what? Until you try it. And I said, I look forward. I said, I don't want that to be a struggle. Yeah. And even that would be down the line. But even with my kids, I don't want them to have to worry. Right. And then it goes throughout generations. So I was like, and also another thing I was like, hey. I've met so many people that have overcome so many things and made that decision in college or even after or whenever they made it in life that they were going to truly live a life that was pleasing to God. I said, Lord, if I'm going to live this walk, I'm going to live this walk. I said, there's no way that I am going to be a hypocrite and say one thing and do another. Because it's not more so being caught. But I appreciate the young people of this day because they'll call you out on something. Oh, yes. Oh, yes. Yeah. They're like, oh, you said this, but you posted this. What's up? You have to answer to it. Yeah. For me, I was like, if I don't introduce it. By the time they go off to school or if they ask me about this, I can tell them, hey, I'm not going to tell you it was easy. But I will say if I made up in my mind that I was not going to introduce this into my life. And because I wasn't going to introduce this into my life, I had to stand ten toes down and say, you know what? This person, I can't hang out with them. You know, put those boundaries up. Absolutely. Learn how to respect your own boundaries. Because if you don't respect them, nobody else will. And I would say too, if you're around people that are constantly trying to push you to go past your boundaries, those aren't your people. Because if they loved you, they would support you and they would support your effort. And they'd be like, you know what? Let me take you home. Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. People are like, what? Like, I'm paying. I'm renting the house. So fuck. Let me take you home. Because this may take a turn. Right. And I know the commitment that you made to yourself and that you made to God. Even people that are not saved, they honor that as well. Right, right, right. And so growing up, people were like, oh, uh-oh. Let me not say those words. Let me not cuss around Katie. Right. I'm so sorry. What are you sorry to me for? I didn't say anything. I didn't look at you any type of way. But when you put your relationship with God first, or even are just accurately pursuing a better relationship with him, those that truly love you, that are surrounded by you, respect that. And respect you as well, that you are... Sometimes you have to realize you may be the only Jesus somebody sees. Yes. Yep. So to maintain... The posture. And hey, every day, every day may not be easy. You may not always succeed in what you decided or pursue to do. But it's your intentionality behind it. Even if you fall down, you get back up quick, fast in a hurry and say, you know what? I'll acknowledge that I fell. Lord, I repent. And then go from there because when you repent, that's a transformation of your mindset. Once your mind is made up that this is the life that I want to live, then everything else follows and everything else comes into line. Now, I'm not saying that you won't have your own set of challenges, but better yet, you'll go through the challenges, but you will not go through them alone. Right, right. It's like, you know, that line is going to be there, but you don't know if you're going to be following that line up a mountain, down a valley, you turn to the right, left, you're going through, you know, the ocean. Like you don't know where that line is going to lead you. But as long as you are in alignment with God's will for your life, you already know that at the end, whatever it is, is what God has meant for you. And you are able and will have the strength and the capacity and the resources to get there. And I think it's so, so important for young people, college students, any Christian, set boundaries. Like you said, set boundaries and be respectful of your own boundaries. Because if you don't respect your own boundaries, nobody else is going to. No one else. What, as we get ready to wrap up the conversation, can you just give me or our listeners two pieces of advice that you would give to other college students struggling with their faith? Two pieces of advice. First, I would say, don't be afraid of what God is able to do in and through you at this time yeah and with that don't be afraid to go all in yeah love that because that's where I started I would go all I went all in I was about to leave I really told it was um our youth pastor I was talking to his wife and I said I'm afraid to go all in she was like why I said now look I said I don't want to be nobody's missionaries I don't, I don't, this is not the life that Katie desires for herself. I was like, I told her yes. I did my yes to God. I don't, I'm not, I'm not trying to, I don't want it. And she told me, she said, Katie, you cannot tell God what to do with you. When you give him your life, you have to what? Trust him with your, your yes. So that's my second piece of advice. Second piece of advice. Trust God with your life and trust God with your yes. Because with every portion, And every level that you go and everything that you experience, yes, you say yes to God. But you also have to give a continual yes to whatever platform or whatever opportunity or whatever season that he puts you in, knowing that he completely has you covered. In that time in college, it's where I was like, I'm all in for God. We literally went on a fast. And God is so kind. It's almost October. We went on a fast. The Lord called a corporate fast for the church. We would pray at six a.m., nine a.m., twelve p.m., three p.m. Lord Jesus. And then we would do that Monday through Friday. Friday, sometimes Saturday. And then we would still have Bible study, still have Bible band. And it took a minute for me to catch on. I was listening to the prayer, but it got to a point where I started getting involved. Yeah. Yeah. Now, I'm not saying you just pray on the line, but I was praying with them while they was praying on the line. I hadn't got that bold and confident walk quite yet. So I was listening in. I was praying on my way, walking to class, on my way to work. I would literally be praying along with them. And I would fast and say, Lord, today I can do the noon. But it was more so the intentionality behind it. And the way that I would wake up all excited. Oh, we're about to fast and pray today. Seeing how God took that. At that time, I was praying. Well, I was truly understanding who God was and who he was to me. And I had some things. I knew I needed an internship before I went off to school. Before I graduated, I took a whole year off. Before my last semester of school, I took a year off and did an internship. But before then, I couldn't take one because I didn't have one. And I said, Lord, I need some experience before I go off to school. I literally told the Lord. I said, I don't know. I just need experience. I prayed before my interviews. That was it. But I never actually prayed for the internship. One morning after prayer, the minute we ended prayer, I got an email. Congratulations on the job. So just seeing how when you take care of God's business, he takes care of yours. Absolutely. He gives you the desires of your heart as it is in accordance to his will for you. So trust him. It's not easy. It's literally a blind walk. You're trusting blindly. Yes, love is blind. Everybody by that show? I've never seen it. I see that you were the best. But I would say your trusting God is blind. Your trust and your faith walk is blind, but knowing that he has you covered and he will never leave you high and dry. So trustful. I love that. Oh, so good. So good. So good. Listen, this has been a incredible and what I know will be an impactful hour and impactful conversation. Thank you so much for saying yes. Thank you for coming on. Please let us know how we can stay connected to you. You can stay connected with me on Facebook, Katia Thomas, K-A-Y-D-I-A, as well as on Instagram, at Katia, K-A-Y-D-I-A. Add an extra two A's for the global race. You're welcome to connect with me there. I'm just a fun-loving, bubbly girl that just loves Jesus and loves his people. And so, yeah, feel free to connect with me. I do follow that. Amen. So, yeah. I love that. Yes, Katie does. I don't even know if it's a series. You just really kind of just say what the Lord leads you to say. And it is so... And so it's encouraging and motivating where you post these videos and sometimes it's in your car and this is the day the Lord has made. I'm like, yes, here we go. Like, I love it. I need it. It's so, so great. So I want to encourage you to keep going. I know, I know, I know that God has so many more great things in store for you. If you are tuned in but are not connected with me, please connect with me at Jaria C. Aljo on all social media platforms. Would love to invite you to the Dig Deep community. It's a private Facebook page where we just come together and we encourage one another and help hold each other accountable as we are deepening our relationship with God. You're also welcome to check out more information on JariaCAljo.org. Again, all things practical applications for your educational and spiritual growth. There's Bible studies on there. There's you do a fifteen minute monthly prayer call. Um, we do so many other great, wonderful things, different workshops, focus on deepening your relationship with God. Uh, you will have access to that. Um, if you want to take a look on the website and, uh, I just thank you again, Katie, for being on here. Thank you for sharing with us. If you would please, um, just say a word of prayer. And I would ask that you would focus specifically on students that are going to college and students that are yet in college, uh, wanting to maintain their walk with God. We're in your hands. Absolutely. God, we thank you. We thank you for these young people that may be listening and those that are going off to college at whatever stage of their life. God, we thank you that they will desire to be intentional with their walk with you. Give them a burning desire to truly say, in all our ways, we will acknowledge you as you direct our path. College is a time of uncertainty. We never know what may come up, what challenges we may face, be it financial, financial, be it mental god we thank you that you are right there with us you are right there beside us so father we ask that you connect young people to the church that you would have them to be where you can build and grow their faith independence on you surrounded with individuals oh god that help to encourage them to continue to contend for the faith god I thank you That even now you are pricking their hearts and as you give them a desire to even want to fast, want to pray more, to read and study your word more so that they can have a true understanding for themselves. God, I ask that you add people into their life that can fuel them, that can give spiritual insight. and guidance to this current place in their life. God, I thank you that you're building up today's leaders. God, I thank you that you are yet trusting your young people to live this life, to be living examples for you, knowing that we can be living examples for you even on the Christian campus. So God, we thank you for their lives. We thank you for their light. We thank you for their impact. Even now. And God, we thank you that you are answering their prayers, that you are confirming that you see them and that you hear them when they pray and when they cry out to you and they cry on their most holy faith. to you God and God alone that you are there to answer them that you are there to hear their cry and hear their plea God we thank you that you are fighting for us that you are standing with us and better yet that you have never left us will never leave us and will never forsake us so God we thank you and we give you all the glory all the honor and all the praise in your name amen Amen. Thank y'all so much for tuning in. I will see you next time for Dig Deep Conversations with Christian Leaders or coming back with another guest for our series, Surviving College Life as a Christian. Until then, I will see you on the journey to a deeper relationship with God.

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